(urth) letter associations in Wizard Knight

Marc Aramini marcaramini at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 06:18:39 PDT 2018

oh yeah - the name of the two headed giant - orgalmir and borgalmir (O and
B), whom Able jokingly suggests killed Gilling (when Toug (I think - need
to check and make sure it isn't Svon) sees Gilling fall, it is preceded by
Org strangling another giant in a surreal juxtaposition, almost as if Org
is strangling Gilling (of course he really is - all the parties, including
the red blood cells Uri and Baki (who have no soul/nucleus of their own,
copied from Kulili's threads (DNA)) so all the stories of Gilling's death
are true at the same time, though for the plot Garvaon did it for love. (G
killing G, taming Gylf; sacrifice)

On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 6:00 AM, Marc Aramini <marcaramini at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am still working on the Wizard Knight writeup because I am striving for
> the optimum organization in order to be as convincing as possible. I will
> set this up far more carefully in the writeup.
> Though I strongly dislike when Borski collapses many characters into Inire
> at great length in his analysis of New Sun, I feel this is unavoidable in
> Wizard Knight due to the letter associations - O signifies the same threat
> of strangulation and starvation whether it is the helpless manifestation of
> the baby Ossar, the cannibalistic attacks of the Osterlings, or the
> strangling hands of Org. The question is whether Org is Able (Arthur's) or
> Bold (Ben's) defense mechanism, contra Gylf (G) (Able will "die" and ascend
> to Skai (S) on the back of the Griffin (G))
> At the start when Able (A) comes to the Griffin (G) (and he and Bold (B)
> will eventually sit together on its banks), he talks to some fishermen like
> Scaur (S) about ghost stories and planting his seed. Oesterlings (O) have
> razed Bluestone (B) castle. You can put the letters in from here.
> Schildstarr attacks Glennidam when Bold loses his shadow; when Org comes
> to Sheerwall, Master Thope is stabbed. Schildstarr and Thiazi form an
> alliance after Gilling is injured, but Svon and Toug fight. Org strangles,
> but Able gives the starving child Ossar to the aelf and receives Gylf in
> exchange (as he himself starves in that scene). Later, Svon and Toug will
> discuss how each of them have a monster (through Svon's broken nose) -
> these monsters are of course Org and Gylf. Garsecg is Setr, Arnthor's
> brother.  S and T are extensions of the A and B brother cognate, with their
> aggressive defense mechanisms attacking each other as O and G. This even
> works in Skai (S) when Able fights the Giants (G) of Winter and Old Knight
> - he even comes to Modgud,  (Mag, Mom, etc) whose womb gestates for a
> thousand years (!!!) to face her in her immensity, becoming the Green
> Knight for a time when his head is cut off (see where I am going with
> that?). We have a two headed turtle, a two headed giant, and, in the talk
> of Bold Berthed, the girl Skjena has six fingers - abnormal growths.
> The question is whether Tough or Svon corresponds with Able or Bold, the
> twins who will be reconciled into one individual on the final pages and
> become a chimeric individual (Bold survives and vanquishes Schildstarr in
> the sky). Gilling, Gylf, Garsecg and even Garvaon are all manifestations of
> the same aspect of Able's subconscious, some kind, some brutal, but do they
> represent the other/brother or himself? judging from the defeat of
> Schidlstarr and the orders of S and T compared to A and B ... should Svon
> linked to Able and Toug to Bold? Svon and Toug have different monsters in
> that battle scene because they perceive the threat of the other child,
> taking resources, in different ways.
> (I set this up by looking at the dreams in conjunction first in the
> writeup and going into the mythological background quite a bit - hopefully
> I can finish it soon. Almost every scene keeps repeating the same patterns,
> even Huld's ghostly warning - you fear the sister - fear the brother.)
> When Bold discusses how Able would have run when Schildstarr attacked,
> Able says, no I wouldn't  - you didn't, aren't we the same? (near this
> scene he sees two spiny orange trees - one cut down and another grown -
> this doesn't make sense on the plot level, but it does make sense
> metaphorically.) When Able comes to mythgarthr, he has struggles with both
> young Toug (who tries to take his bow) and young Svon, Svon, too, says that
> he has been harassed by the aelf at the camp. At this point those struggles
> should probably be considered internal in nature. So while all of these
> will eventually collapse into the surviving Bold/Ben character thanks to
> Able's sacrifice ... is Able related to Svon or is Bold? Sounds ridiculous,
> I know. The goose that arnthor splits in two at the feast is stuffed with
> all kinds of other birds inside it, and that's what we have in this story.
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