(urth) Father Inire-Hethor

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes danldo at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 14:28:19 PDT 2011

David Stockhoff wrote:
> Lee Berman wrote:

>> ...the best explanation for the dead Dorcas' husband is that he is
>> merely one iteration of a being who can make copies of himself
>> (perhaps an iteration who lost immortality by falling in love)

> Then of what race is Inire?

While I remain extremely dubious here, one can see the outlines of a
grand unification theory based on the already-mooted idea that humans
and human descendants are the only true sentients in the Solar
universe. This would make Inire human or human-descended, in which
case he could indeed father Ouen on Dorcas (though, if
"human-descended," he would have to be a fairly _close_ human
descendant, since Ouen is fertile).

Oh, and somewhere back there, someone wrote...

>>> I do feel that, if Inire appears in three volumes, it would be good if
>>> he were in the fourth as well, so I have tried to find him in SOTL.

I don't think that's necessary. tBotNS was designed as a trilogy, and
the division of book 3 into tSotL and tCotA was a late decision
because volume three had gotten too big. There is no necessity that
someone who is designed to appear once-per-book would appear in both
of them.

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes

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