(urth) Like a good Neighbor

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 10:46:25 PST 2011

Marc Aramini wrote (24-11-2011 17:54):
> I thought Krait's similarity to Sinew was due to that feeding near
> reproduction cycle, but then later when Jahlee resembles Chenille and is
> drunk its because she fed on the greiving Chenille who was released from
> Green, the lander repaired, and escaped to blue to mourn the murder of
> her children (she indulges in drink and drugs when bothered, from Long
> Sun).
> I don't know.

We know they are able to visually mimic humans, but not the precise 
mechanics. Makeup, pose and optical illusion seem to be involved.

But *who* they mimic is an interesting point. The null hypothesis is that 
they just disguise themselves as best they can, with no great choice in 
outcome, but the Chenille case casts doubt on that. Are you sure Krait 
resembles Sinew?

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