(urth) Like a good Neighbor

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 10:48:53 PST 2011

Marc Aramini wrote (24-11-2011 17:54):
> I thought Krait's similarity to Sinew was due to that feeding near
> reproduction cycle, but then later when Jahlee resembles Chenille and is
> drunk its because she fed on the greiving Chenille who was released from
> Green, the lander repaired, and escaped to blue to mourn the murder of
> her children (she indulges in drink and drugs when bothered, from Long
> Sun).

Wait a minute, wasn't it the real Chenille, only possessed by
dream-travelling Jahlee? Or two separate scenes, drunk real Chenille and 
Chenille-resembling Jahlee later on (which I don't recall)? I don't remember 
that bit very clearly.

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