(urth) Like a good Neighbor

David Stockhoff dstockhoff at verizon.net
Mon Nov 21 09:57:00 PST 2011

On 11/21/2011 12:51 PM, James Wynn wrote:
> I think I understand why people have a problem getting over this 
> hurdle, but I can't pretend anymore that I respect their Short Sun 
> theories which essentially reflect that they have failed to do so. I 
> respect the criticism of many Listers who hold that view, but I don't 
> think their interpretations are going to help me more fully understand 
> what is going on in this novel. I think there is little point in 
> discussing Short Sun without agreement on this point. It is THE 
> pivotal event as the narrator states, and their interpretations fail 
> to appreciate that fact. In a very real sense, the novel ends at 
> chapter 8.

The QUEST ends there. HORN ends there. The novel, thank Wolfe, continues 

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