(urth) Wolfe's brilliance or my denseness?

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes danldo at gmail.com
Mon May 23 10:29:18 PDT 2011

Lee Berman <wrote:

> Dan'l, in your view were the first seven mentions of a Flood meant as non-directional Biblical/
> geological references? And Wolfe drew upon these only post-hoc while writing UotNS?

No, it seems clear to me that Wolfe indicated in the original quartet
that the coming of the White Fountain/New Sun would bring vast Urthly
devastation, floods and the rising of new continents (and the sinking
of old ones).

> For me the opposite seems more likely, as there seem to be many other examples where Wolfe
> really expects his readers to figure something out but none do (or it takes 20+ years for an
> especially astute reader to get it and pass it along to others).

Grin. Exactly.

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes

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