(urth) Wolfe's brilliance or my denseness?

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Mon May 23 10:18:26 PDT 2011

>Dan'l Danehy-Oakes- Sorry, Lee, but I must disagree with this. It seemed obvious to me
>that Dr. Talos' play was supposed to be taken as unknowingly prophetic
Well, it isn't only Dr. Talos' play in which a flood is alluded to. I know of a couple 
others and Andre-Driussi asserts there are seven.  So, I stand corrected and the conclusion 
that Wolfe intended his readers to deduce a Flood in the first four books is not incontrovertible. 

Dan'l, in your view were the first seven mentions of a Flood meant as non-directional Biblical/
geological references? And Wolfe drew upon these only post-hoc while writing UotNS?
For me the opposite seems more likely, as there seem to be many other examples where Wolfe
really expects his readers to figure something out but none do (or it takes 20+ years for an 
especially astute reader to get it and pass it along to others). 		 	   		  

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