(urth) interview questions

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 3 10:50:49 PST 2011

>Gerry Quinn: Actually if it were 100% false or 100% true it would violate the rules of 
>5HoC, in which just about *nothing* is completely false or completely true.
If you had written just that one statement and stopped, our disagreement would be at an end. 
Unfortunately the rest of your post is peppered with the likes of self-promoted certainty of
correctness such as:
>I am pointing out something that is made plain as the nose on your face.. 
>..someone who can hold such a grotesque misreading of the work as you put forward!

>Let's start with the simple and obvious facts of the case...
>the colonists - who even you accept *think* they are human and live as the 
>original humans would have - would have told tales about them and feared the 
>abos, which patently they did not....
>There is simply no room for the scenario you propose.  The above is more 
>than enough in itself to rule it out...
>but in any case Wolfe has left numerous specific clues as to the correct reading of 5HoC...
>Wolfe utilises pulp elements, but he is not writing pulp.  The novel is not centred on some 
big reveal about the pod people of Sainte Anne.  If that is your criterion for a quality read, you 
might be better off with other authors.....
Sigh, yes, Gerry. I am obviously worthless when it comes to Wolfe. I guess I'd better stick to
Zelazny. Or perhaps that is too advanced and I need to stick to old Star Trek episodes on TV. 		 	   		  

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