(urth) Recent human crash-landing on Sainte-Anne

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 7 12:13:57 PST 2011

Two things that might support the 'recent landing' theory at least if
'A Story' is taken as basically factual. One is the names Atlantis,
Gondwanaland,etc., which certainly were not used in Atlantis or
Gondwanaland; these are names that modern people might come up with if
they want to think of themselves as ancient. The other, which I find
really striking, is the name 'John'. I can't see why prehistoric
people, or those influenced by them, would call themselves John. (I
think this tends,as well, to support the view that the Shadow Children
are the incomers and the Free :People the natives.It's hard to see why
a race of humans, who presumably had different names when they
arrived,  would decide they would all be called John or Mary; a race
of shapeshifters imitating humans might do so, if those were the names
of the first humans they met. But I'm less sure of this.)

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