(urth) Inhumi in the Whorl

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 10:27:29 PST 2011

>> Well, we do know that inhumi-powered dream-travel can get the 
>> Neighbors between planets or to the Whorl, right?
> No... we've never seen that.  In all cases of dream-travel we've seen, 
> only souls have been transported.  It's not at all clear that the 
> Neighbours could transfer natural-state inhumi in this fashion. Maybe 
> they could, but I find it easier to believe they used spaceships.

Hmmm... crazy idea, but perhaps this is a good reason to reconsider 
one's reading regarding WHETHER the Neighbors transported natural-state 
inhumi to the Whorl. Perhaps this is a reason to presume they did NOT 
infect humanity with inhumi by transporting natural state inhumi to the 
Whorl and then returning them to Green. That is a complex operation that 
I would prefer to be hinted at in the text--especially since 
dream-travel, Time-travel, and bodily possession are methods offered in 
the text.

> Still, what are we arguing about?  We know they got there somehow - 
> it's doesn't really matter much what technology they used.

Well, it makes a great deal of difference if they used dream-travel (the 
only method available to them as, so far as I see).


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