(urth) Faterh Inire Theory cont.

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Sat Dec 11 12:31:45 PST 2010

> Gerry Quinn-
> My interpretation is that Jonas recognises the structural materials of 
> which the walls of the antechamber are composed and/or their design, 
> because they are part of his old spaceship.

Interesting theory. It seems to me the consensus has been that Jonas 
came from the Tzadkiel ship. If that's true and Jonas recognizes the 
ship, wouldn't it suggest that House Absolute is founded on the wreckage 
of Tzadkiel?

> I wouldn't say I'm wedded to this theory, but it seems plausible, 
> given the other supporting evidence.  And it would be typical of Wolfe 
> to hide such a thing in plain sight (I wonder if my differences with 
> Lee and James are in part due to us looking for puzzle solutions in 
> different places?  They look for allusions, I look at descriptions and 
> events in the story.)

Well, it can't be as simple as that. If it were Lee and I would be find 
this theory untenable because it lacks clear, undeniable allusive marks.


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