(urth) planetary problems

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 11:16:29 PST 2010

> Jordon Flato -
> Megatherians on Blue and Urth seem to have a connection.  To me, it is 
> just i irresistible to conclude that the Mother is connected with 
> Scylla/Erebus/Abaia and also to the consciousness contacted by the 
> Cumean. 

It is emphatically the case that the Mother on Blue is connected to 
Megatherian Scylla. Whether they are of the same species or whether 
Mother is some sort of branch from the original, I can't say.

Return to the Whorl (somewhere around page 406)
"I am a prisoner in a cell," [the Rajan] told Oreb, "and that tall man 
in black will return with my death warrant. I know it, and can't do a 
thing about it. Tell Nettle I loved her, please. Will you do that?"
"Bird tell."
"Thank you." He sat again, his head in his hands. "I loved Sinew, too. 
And Hoof and Hide and Krait. Jahlee and Seawrack. I should not have 
loved any of them--they were almost as selfish as I am, Oreb.

_But I did, and I asked the Greater Scylla on the Red Sun Whorl how I 
could find Seawrack again. [snip] She taught me how to communicate with 
her sister here_.

That was our bargain; but I have not used the information. I would never 
have used it while Nettle was alive. [snip] Most of all, I loved Silk. I 
tried to model myself on him, and see what a mess I made of it. When at 
last I was given the chance to actually do something for him, I failed."

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