(urth) Home Fires

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Thu Dec 2 10:24:14 PST 2010

Last year Wolfe said, (or I understood him to say) that Skip's last name 
is Reese [I don't know the spelling]. I asked Wolfe whether that implied 
HF was in the AEG universe. He replied that he didn't think Ries and 
[Rees] were similar. Whatever.


Wolfe also related that this was a kind of picture of the complexities 
of what people think they want in romance. It seems to Skip and  Chelle 
that this is the perfect situation. When she comes back, she'll be 
married to a wealthy, powerful man. He will be married to a beautiful 
young woman. But when they are reunited, they discover that their 
relationship doesn't mesh right anymore...there's 20 years separating them.

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