(urth) New Wolfe Listing on Amazon

Pedro Pereira domus_artemis at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 4 09:17:23 PDT 2008

> For the Romans it was, yes. Was it for the Carthaginians? For the Chinese?> For the Japanese? For the Polynesians?
The Carthaginians had exactely the same problem. As for the Chinese, at what time? If you're refering to the chinese great exploratory and comercial voyages that happened almost around the same time as the european discoveries. Japan is much more proximal to China than a voyage from Assyria to the Americas. Not really comparable at all. As for the Polinesians, I have to check the specifics of the case since I'm not familiar with their history.
  > Compare Olmec jade and Shang jade:> > http://www.chinese.tcu.edu/www_chinese3_tcu_edu.htm> > Compare ancient Japanese and South American pottery:> > http://books.google.com/books?id=Yrhp8H0_l6MC&pg=PA187&lpg=PA187&dq=jomon+and+valdivia&source=web&ots=NI1C2N-wiv&sig=8TrGmzEexjF7xjRWgrNF9b-xAYc&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=5&ct=result> > There's really a lot more.
Thanks for the links, as soon as I can I'll check them.
> > But I would have to delve deeply into the> > evidence.> > Indeed.
Indeed, yes.
> > The nicotine found in mumyes is certainly very compeling evidence of> > contact. I don't know what the official position regarding that is right> > now, if any.> > It doesn't matter. The official position is that human beings were hunters> and gatherers until about ten thousand years ago. This is obviously wrong.
Obviously wrong? Why? What do you think humans were doing 8.000 years BC that is so "obvious"? I'm just curious.
> > The roman sculptures in mexico I never heard of. Sounds> > great. Any links?> > Can't find one offhand. 
Pitty, because I'd love to see those. I'll try to find something on the net as soon as I have some time.
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