(urth) Unhappiness with fantasy writing

Rob Thornton oblate777 at speakeasy.net
Thu Jun 15 10:45:42 PDT 2006

> And to try to keep things on-topic for the group at large, I'm surprised I
> haven't heard mention of either David Herter or Alexander Jablokov, both of
> whom strike me as being quite favorably Wolfean in their style, erudition,
> and recurrent bouts of playfully deliberate obscurity....

Did someone say Alexander Jablokov? I strongly recommend his first novel "Carve the Sky" and now that Wolfe is invoked, I can see some connections. For example,  "Sky" has a very involving worldscape and Jablokov takes some relish in tossing you in medias res and continously stirring in information rather than habitually using SFnal "infodumps."

Unfortunately, none of his later efforts really matched "Carve the Sky" but I strongly recommend "Sky"

Now who is this Herter fellow? Actually, I haven't heard of him....

back to the lurk,

rob t.

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