(urth) barrington interview

Lee severiansola at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 15 11:06:45 PDT 2014

>Dan'l:  Lee, as far as I can tell, your argument comes down to "I can imagine someplace 

>where logic and math don't apply, therefore we must assume that they exist until we 

>can prove they don't."

To quote Gene Wolfe, No, No, NO! (sorry if I got that wrong Marc. :- )).

Stating that alogical, amathematical zones exist in the universe would be just as unsupportable

as those here which say such zones don't exist. Both statements require a leap of faith I, personally, 

cannot make.

In more scientific terms, I am willing to accept that gravity accelerates objects everywhere on earth 

at 9.8m/sec/sec because we have been to most places on earth, we have good evidence earth is a

sphere, we've done massive experimentation in a variety of conditions, etc.

I don't see our knowledge of the universe coming anywhere close to that of our own planet, making 

any statement about "universality" to be inherently questionable. The pinpricks of radiation we

detect from distant galaxies don't provide anything close to the information we have regarding earth.

Not to mention all the other pinpricks of energy that we are unable to detect, which presumably 

represent most of the universe. 		 	   		  

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