(urth) Editor in China requesting help with translation of certain sentences in BotNS

Andy Robertson pinlighter at btconnect.com
Mon Dec 16 21:48:50 PST 2013

"Bluer of cheek"= more and darker stubble on theface,  if shaven. A 
thick black beard if not shaven.

And in this bit
>>     DORCAS
>>     "Your pardon, sieur," he said. "But I can't come no nearer. Wet
>>     she may be, but she gets too dry for me, or you couldn't walk
>>     upon it.
>>     Does "she" refer to the boat or Cas' body? what does the sentence
>>     mean?

"She" refers to the condition of the ground, or rasther  the swampy mat 
of plants, on which Severian is walking.   This has no sharply defined 
edge, and
so the boat, which is in a relatively weed-free bit of water, can't get 
close to the nearly solid bits where Severian is.

hartshorn     (Still very happily lurking, and a merrry Xmas to you all)
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