(urth) New Lafferty collection from Centipede Press

Gwern Branwen gwern at gwern.net
Mon Dec 2 20:30:30 PST 2013

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 11:27 PM, Christopher Simon
<kierkegaurdian at gmail.com> wrote:
> She mentioned her favorite was a history of Rome written by Lafferty. Has
> anyone read it? Thoughts?

_The Fall of Rome_ has come up once or twice on the Lafferty forums.
It's a pretty odd book. I had the opportunity to read most of it in a
library once. IIRC, it was sort of a nonfiction account written in a
novelistic manner, and I didn't know what to make of it because I
didn't know how much of it was standard history and how much was
Lafferty's extrapolations or interpolations or editorializing.


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