(urth) On Blue's Waters (Initial thoughts)

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 18:36:18 PST 2012

No dia 09/01/2012, às 19:36, Antonin Scriabin <kierkegaurdian at gmail.com> escreveu:

> See, I found the way the thieves and other disreputables spoke in Long Sun to be great; the odd words were carefully selected (like the vocabulary of New Sun) from other places and cleverly used.  A lot of the words were actually found in thieves slang from the 1800s (like "dimber" for example).  The character on Blue who simply had the order of words in his sentences changed up clearly didn't have the same amount of work put into him.  

Arrghhhhh!!!! NO, NO, NO, NO! He's DUTCH! It's a masterly rendering of Dutch that Wolfe does there! PLEASE, folks, wait a little before you form your conclusions!
Linguistic individuality is one of the things Wolfe pays a lot of attention to and it's frustrating to see it taken for random seasoning.
And of course the _vironese_ thieves will differ mostly by their lexicon. Speakers of related languages or dialects will have different grammars and phonologies. My only complaint is the amount of h's in a certain part of the book. Since the aitches really are there, one could do without the apostrophes. 

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