(urth) Typhon's nature

Lane Haygood lhaygood at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 17:42:20 PDT 2011

The Scottish Play, if you please. I'll not have you bringing ill
fortune on us all.


On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:38 PM, David Stockhoff <dstockhoff at verizon.net> wrote:
> A simpler explanation of Typhon's remark is that he was born as Silk was
> born, i.e., from a surrogate mother.
> Recall Macbeth, where the witches' prophecy "not of woman born" was
> fulfilled by a cesarean birth. Surely Typhon outdoes Macduff (we are not
> much impressed by c-sections today) but probably it doesn't need to be by
> much. Perhaps he was grown in a vat and "decanted" or even genetically
> "designed," but he'd still need a human body to parasitize.
> On 10/9/2011 6:49 PM, larry miller wrote:
>> In the Sword of the Lictor Typhon says a few things that seems to
>> indicate an alien origin. He tells  Severian that "I was not born, at
>> least not in the way you mean it".   Also Typhon says that though he
>> has lived a day he has sent his thoughts to far places, seemingly
>> making contact with the megatherians.  This seems very similiar to the
>> astral abilities possessed by the Nieghbors.  Was Cillinia born on the
>> Whorl or Urth?  Perhaps she has a saints name because she was fathered
>> by Piaton and then later adopted by the alien Monarch?
>> On 10/9/11, Andrew Mason<andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com>  wrote:
>>> Larry Miller wrote:
>>>> On first read I imagined Typhon as human native of Urth.  But Wolfes
>>>> naming strategum points at Typhon being of alien origin.
>>> I don't think it does, really. It's not humans, as such, but
>>> Commonwealth citizens who have saint's names; Ash, for instance, or
>>> Loyal to the Group of Seventeen don't. (Also Baldanders seems to be
>>> human in origin but to have adopted a monstrous name when he became a
>>> monster.)  And this principle is carried on into Long Sun/Short Sun;
>>> people born in the Commonwealth region on Urth (Mamelta, Roger) have
>>> saints' names, though no one else does. Also, here Typhon's daughter
>>> has a saint's name - Cilinia - which seems to imply that she is human.
>>> I don't know if Typhon is an Urthling, or an off-earth human from one
>>> of the planets settled during the first empire; but I don't think he's
>>> totally alien.
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