(urth) Typhon's nature

David Stockhoff dstockhoff at verizon.net
Fri Oct 14 08:51:20 PDT 2011

On 10/14/2011 10:54 AM, Gerry Quinn wrote:
> *From:* David Stockhoff <mailto:dstockhoff at verizon.net>
> *> *
> Positing that Typhon's labs could insert nanorobots into embryos doesn't
> *> *
> tell us what to do with the "carefully controlled matings" remark.
> Perhaps both are needed for optimal performance.
I'd only comment that at some point what might be complementary 
technologies become redundant technologies, and a story becomes 
inefficient and chokes on its own, er, waste.
> Really, I agree that genetic engineering is the most obvious 
> technological way to go in producing the desired effects, at least 
> with our current understanding. I’m willing to assume that that 
> (probably combined with carefully controlled matings) was probably 
> what was done. But I don’t think we know for sure, and if there was 
> some special reason to believe it was nanobots instead I’d happily 
> countenance it.
> The telepathic internet described by Mamelta, after all, doesn’t seem 
> like it was necessarily implemented by genetic engineering. It might 
> have been, although that means Typhon would have had to wait two 
> decades to set it up, or else employed surgical modification or other 
> methods for the first generation, switching to genetic engineering later.
The Typhonic "mindernet" does seem like a key, but cryptic, phenomenon 
linking Mount Typhon to Mucor.

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