(urth) Typhon's nature

Gerry Quinn gerry at bindweed.com
Fri Oct 14 07:54:40 PDT 2011

From: David Stockhoff 

> Positing that Typhon's labs could insert nanorobots into embryos doesn't 
> tell us what to do with the "carefully controlled matings" remark. 
Perhaps both are needed for optimal performance.
Really, I agree that genetic engineering is the most obvious technological way to go in producing the desired effects, at least with our current understanding.  I’m willing to assume that that (probably combined with carefully controlled matings) was probably what was done.  But I don’t think we know for sure, and if there was some special reason to believe it was nanobots instead I’d happily countenance it.
The telepathic internet described by Mamelta, after all, doesn’t seem like it was necessarily implemented by genetic engineering.  It might have been, although that means Typhon would have had to wait two decades to set it up, or else employed surgical modification or other methods for the first generation, switching to genetic engineering later.
- Gerry Quinn

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