(urth) Typhon's Nature

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 11 19:07:39 PDT 2011

--- On Tue, 10/11/11, Tim O'Donnell <timodonn at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Tim O'Donnell <timodonn at gmail.com>
Subject: (urth) Typhon's Nature
To: urth at lists.urth.net
Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 1:30 AM

I think that Mucor is a clue to the nature of Typhon.  Mucor has mental powers that arise genetically and she 
was born from an embryo purchased by Blood.  That embryo must derive from the time of Typhon.  We don't know
whether Mucor was created through selective breeding or genetic manipulation or both.  I don't think it matters though,
we have evidence that mental powers are associated with embryos bred for the purposes.  Is this what Typhon means 
when he says he was not born as such?  He may have been raised in vitro.
Which only raises more questions about Typhon's origins to me.  Was he perhaps a slave himself, the product of a genetic 
breeding program?  I could go on but I know I am in the realm of sheer conjecture at this point.

I think it more likely Typhon was more like an engineered ubermensch like the exultants, but even more special.  And that his little frozen embryos might be his family rebooted for a recolonization of the future. son silk, Mucor as Scylla?  Even Echidna?  Very hard to say.
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