(urth) Typhon's Nature

Tim O'Donnell timodonn at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 01:30:48 PDT 2011

I think that Mucor is a clue to the nature of Typhon.  Mucor has mental
powers that arise genetically and she
was born from an embryo purchased by Blood.  That embryo must derive from
the time of Typhon.  We don't know
whether Mucor was created through selective breeding or genetic manipulation
or both.  I don't think it matters though,
we have evidence that mental powers are associated with embryos bred for the
purposes.  Is this what Typhon means
when he says he was not born as such?  He may have been raised in vitro.

Which only raises more questions about Typhon's origins to me.  Was he
perhaps a slave himself, the product of a genetic
breeding program?  I could go on but I know I am in the realm of sheer
conjecture at this point.
From: David Stockhoff <dstockhoff at verizon.net>
To: The Urth Mailing List <urth at lists.urth.net>
Subject: Re: (urth) Typhon's nature
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On 10/10/2011 1:29 PM, Jeff Wilson wrote:
> On 10/10/2011 7:43 AM, David Stockhoff wrote:
>> On 10/10/2011 3:30 AM, Jeff Wilson wrote:
>>> His thoughts being sent into far places could easily have been
>>> him spying through the remaining technological outposts similar to the
>>> speaking machines in the Matchin Tower and Valeria's reception hall.
>>> He may have had telepresences there to keep his ruling face au courant.
>> Except that this would require "outposts" at the south pole and under
>> the sea.
> I don;t know about require; sensors can have ranges and their data may
> be used to infer details beyond those. An ancient but still functional
> satllite in orbit above the south pole and the sea could be accessible
> to Typhon "Hmm, weather patterns continue to deteriorate... Great Me,
> what is that THING on the infrared?"
> The talking machines could intercept intelligence from the Asciians'
> transmissions and preserve it for their master's review. Jonas, for
> example, is a machine that knows about the great beasts without being
> currently at the south pole or under the sea. He probably lost his
> antennas for far communication, though.
It's possible. It's just a lot to expect the reader to guess. And
Typhon, by his own account, is not one to speak indirectly. For myself,
I tend to want to interpret him as neither god nor demigod but as an
example of pure hubris. He's like a tower built to reach Heaven. That
requires him to have been constructed by humans. Genetics (assuming we
allow a gene for telepathy, as we must if we allow telepathy, which we
must because Mucor exists) explains Silk, Mucor, and Typhon.
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