(urth) Silk's origin

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 15:34:57 PDT 2011

On 10/13/2011 5:14 PM, Lee Berman wrote:
> I don't really have a dog in this fight but since I haven't seen it mentioned in this round of discussion of this topic, (apologies if I've missed it) I'd like to mention the fact of "tussah" being an Asian silkworm. I think we are supposed to consider this in trying to ascertain how Tussah is related to Silk.

It certainly means Silk was named by or for Tussah. Just as Chenille 
was. It tells us nothing about his "ancestry".
Of course, the most significant argument against a familial connection 
between Auk and Tussah is that unlike Silk and Chenille, he doesn't have 
an obviously associated name.


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