(urth) Typhon's nature

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 12:06:45 PDT 2011

David Stockhoff wrote (11-10-2011 03:47):
> On 10/10/2011 7:00 PM, António Pedro Marques wrote:
>> David Stockhoff wrote (10-10-2011 22:56):
>>> Unless there is scanning of the older clone and uploading into the younger.
>> When the older dies, the older dies, regardless of having been copied into
>> the younger. The entity may go on existing for third parties, including
>> the younger clone, but not for itself.
> I don't follow. The younger clone would start off his memories at the point
> where the older was scanned and thus continue on as the same entity.

The younger clone would be the same entity for everyone, including itself, 
except for the older clone.

> At
> least that's how it works in Home Fires. (The problem would be meeting
> yourself, which would be resolved in a clone situation by assuming scanning
> = death.)

Which I don't think is an option for Typhon. He doesn't get special kicks 
out of having his conscience duplicated if the original doesn't carry on. 
Afaict he created Pas as a lieutenant, not as a replacement.

>>> If Typhon has superpowers that are genetic in origin, he'd lose them if he
>>> transferred to another brain, unless that brain also has that
>>> genetically-derived infrastructure. Might this explain his reluctance to
>>> lose his "face"?
>> That's a pretty good idea.
>> I find that face stuff strange, unless there is some deeper meaning of
>> faces to be reckoned with.
> Yes. Typhon says something about loyalty or command, and that makes sense.
> But it's not just the face that conveys presence---especially if you are
> telepathic. So who knows.

What bothers me is that I think there is something hidden there but I 
haven't got a clue what, so I'm left with the sensation that maybe there is 
nothing - and in that case my impression that there is becomes an 
uncomfortable reminder that I have no clue about the whole books.

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