(urth) Typhon's nature

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 16:00:56 PDT 2011

David Stockhoff wrote (10-10-2011 22:56):
> Unless there is scanning of the older clone and uploading into the younger.

When the older dies, the older dies, regardless of having been copied into 
the younger. The entity may go on existing for third parties, including the 
younger clone, but not for itself.

> If Typhon has superpowers that are genetic in origin, he'd lose them if he
> transferred to another brain, unless that brain also has that
> genetically-derived infrastructure. Might this explain his reluctance to
> lose his "face"?

That's a pretty good idea.
I find that face stuff strange, unless there is some deeper meaning of faces 
to be reckoned with.

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