(urth) Typhon's nature

larry miller biglar1984 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 13:59:42 PDT 2011

Wait who was Typhons wife?  Was that Echidna?  My copies of the Long
Sun are packed and Im going off pure memory.

On 10/10/11, Gerry Quinn <gerry at bindweed.com> wrote:
> From: larry miller
>> In dr. Talos play Scylla is mentioned alongside Abaia and Erebus.
>> Knowing that Scylla is part of Typhons family it doesn't seem too
>> farfetched to assume Typhon was originally one of the Megatherians.
> Scylla (the sea monster) and Cilinia (Typhon's daughter whose digitised
> personality was later named Scylla) are different entities.
>> Maybe his bean grown body was humanoid and he transferred into it from
>> his monster form.  Then something prevented him from transferring into
>> the Mandragora in Citadel (more than likely a Proto-Chem) and his only
>> alternative was to graft his humanoid head onto Piatons body.  We know
>> that Typhon as Pas did not get on well with Scylla and the others so
>> it makes sense that he would want to enslave them when he regains
>> control of the Commonwealth.  Typhon more than likely feels as though
>> he has surpassed his waterbound brethren and does not count himself
>> among them.
> The beans were or symbolised the embryos of the sea monsters.  Typhon may
> well have come from off-Urth, but IMO there's nothing to suggest he was
> visibly distinct from the average human.  He got old or ill and needed a
> full-body transplant, that's all.
> - Gerry Quinn
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