(urth) Like a good Neighbor

David Stockhoff dstockhoff at verizon.net
Fri Nov 25 12:15:52 PST 2011

On 11/25/2011 2:39 PM, António Pedro Marques wrote:
> He's just told you he only barged in in the interest of clearing up a 
> point.

And obscuring the point I was making in the process, yes. Unless Sinew 
has a lander, Nettle is never seeing him again.

> I think there should be a large debate on just what the Secret of the 
> Inhumi is. Rules: 1) It MAY be what we're told, it's no use debating 
> that, there are no arguments that can help with it; 2) It MUST be 
> something of immense importance, and they-use-landers, 
> they-breed-on-Blue and they-are-lianas, don't cut it *only by 
> themselves*. So, any ideas? 

I think there should be a large debate on just what the Secret of the 
Inhumi is. Rules: 1) It MAY be what we're told, it's no use debating 
that, there are no arguments that can help with it; 2) It MUST be 
something of immense importance, and they-use-landers, 
they-breed-on-Blue and they-are-lianas, don't cut it *only by 
themselves*. So, any ideas?

I agree with that. There are other features of the secret as well, 
however. One is that Nettle can't be told.

The Rajan certainly thought that the main thing to know about them was 
that they were defeatable---that they could be erased---just by not 
letting them feed on any humans.

But I certainly don't believe that just because we know they captured 
one working lander (and humans to work it) that they have been doing 
this every two years since the Neighbors reached Green in spaceships.

They don't breed on Blue, however. They can't; it's too cold. Or was 
that another lie?

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