(urth) Like a good Neighbor

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 23 09:14:41 PST 2011

>Gerry Quinn: There’s a puzzle here if you think there is a biological connection, 
Perhaps it would help (help you stop arguing with Marc) if you just consider it a 
spiritual connection and stop dwelling on the biology.
>Lianas exist on both planets, and presumably always did, though I suppose 
>one could make a theory that the lianas arrived on Blue at the same time as the 
>inhumi, and the Neighbours just failed to mention it.  So why don’t they develop 
>into inhumi on Blue?

Perhaps they do. I see no evidence that they don't. Are we shown any means by which
inhumi get to Blue?
>Also, Quetzal had a tree in his garden.  Not a liana.

Aren't gardens supposed to provide a food source? Why would it have a liana?
And if it did previously have one on that tree, perhaps it is gone because it 
turned into Quetzal ;- ). 		 	   		  

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