(urth) Like a good neighbor

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 22 10:19:55 PST 2011

>Dan'l Danehe-Oakes: I don't know whether the inhumi _are_ the lianas or not, but I think
>it's beyond clear that there is _some_ vital connection between them.
Nicely put, Dan'l.  
I'll mention again the Wolfe video interview on Wizard Knight in which
Gene feels no need to hem and haw and qualify and explain the relationship between 
"vitally connected" characters. He says "the ValFather *is* Odin or Wodin". Michael
is the archangel Michael.
I guess as author, he can get away with that. Nobody here is gonna call his ideas about
his own work "puerile crapola" or whatever. Still, be it Father Inire or Typhon or 
Dionysus a lot of time is devoted to explaining what the meaning of "is" is.
I don't mind saying "there is a vital connection" between Echidna and The Mother or 
Thelxiepeia (mythic siren) and Seawrack the first time. But it would be nice if I could
shorthand it to "is" on further elaboration.

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