(urth) Like a good Neighbor

David Stockhoff dstockhoff at verizon.net
Mon Nov 21 11:55:27 PST 2011

On 11/21/2011 2:31 PM, James Wynn wrote:
>> Those short stiff hairs got me thinking that maybe the
>> long nosed spider fellow is some manifestation of Babbie.
>> If a greenbuck can be a Neighbor, so can a hus.
> In a very real sense, all creatures of Faerie are faeries. In An Evil 
> Guest, there are bizarre animals in Woldercon (analogous to Faerie) 
> who are descendents of the Wolderconese. I believe that all the 
> animals Dr Marsch encounters in the outback of St. Anne were formed 
> from the same source material as the Annese/abos. The cat is an abo.

Agreed. Resurrection is surely not a power to be handed out equally 
among them, but who knows.

Maybe Babbie sees him alive (yes, he told Seawrack he was dead but he 
didn't say he stayed dead) and, knowing him better than the Neighbor 
Horn, sends him to Nettle. Babbie is after all about as guilty as the 
greenbuck in getting Horn into the pit.

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