(urth) Fwd: Babbiehorn?: Was: a sincere question mostly for roy

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 18:25:09 PST 2011

On 11/18/2011 8:05 PM, Marc Aramini wrote:
> James, I do think a young neighbor was born in the pit there, but that it is external to Horn, a double of Horn, with whom he later shakes hands.  Perhaps an association with the Neighborly explains the rajans reluctance to eat, but how does it factor in with the statement Antonio, (or someone) brought up: of a whole spirit (Horn's) going into a whole body (Silk's)?
> I think the text is more powerful if it is really Horn that makes the sacrifice to leave the body for Silk to take over, and that in that way, "Horn did not fail us"

It's not Horn's spirit. The same spirit that reanimated Horn, reanimates 
Silk. This doesn't just work on the technical level, it works on the 
level of the Neighbors as Faeries which is clearly an important facet.

Even if it _were_ Horn, he doesn't sacrifice anything to go to Silk, 
does he? He's about to die, anyway. The Neighbors confirm this. The body 
can't be healed again (we just have to take this on faith....even though 
they repair both Horn and Silk who were damaged unto death).  At that 
point, any body would have been welcomed. It is surely Divine Providence 
that Silk (Horn's goal) was fading on the Whorl, just as Horn's body is 
fading on Green. Not only is this the narrator's last chance to get to 
the Whorl, it is the last chance to complete Horn's mission because soon 
Silk will be entirely gone. Of course...the Neighbors are Time-travelers 
so that is not entirely necessary, I guess. Consider the possibility 
that when Horn starts on his mission, Silk is dying in front of Hy's 

The story isn't really about Horn. Nor about Silk. It's a story about a 
Neighbor...a young faery if you will...who is inspired by the stories 
and memories and adventures of two mortals just as our children are 
inspired by stories of Manawyddan, Bran the Blessed, and Arthur (well, 
they once were inspired by those stories).

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