(urth) Babbiehorn?: Was: a sincere question mostly for roy

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 17 06:58:59 PST 2011

>Gerry Quinn: But Fr. Inire as the Botanic Gardens just took seriously Lee’s ideas 
>about a battle between giant beings who bud off pieces of themselves, combined with 
>Marc’s ideas about animated vegetables.
Mythological allusion, giant beings who bud off pieces and "animated vegetables" are
not only serious, they are in the text. Gerry you are being dragged, kicking and 
screaming, to a greater understanding of Gene Wolfe whether you like it or not and 
whether you admit it or not. Deny it all you like. You wouldn't be here if you weren't

>But I’m prepared to wait.  Perhaps some better ideas will turn up.  I prefer to do 
>without a theory than accept an impossible one.

But you are not simply waiting. You are prodding and provoking and driving people to
expand upon their ideas and enlighten us all. Don't try to pretend you don't know that.
You do a good job, Gerry! You are a much better cattle prod than the skeptics of the past.
Your urgings have led to some really significant advancements in Lupine theory over the past 
few years. Keep up the good work. 		 	   		  

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