(urth) Violet=Plutonium?

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 14 10:42:11 PST 2011

>James Wynn: In The Wizard Knight, Abel becomes a knight by acting as if he is one 
Does Krait become Horn's son by acting like it? Purely a ruse? A little of both?
>In the Book of the Short Sun, a Neighbor seeks to become Horn by 
>devoting himself to his mission. (I'm not looking for an argument. It's 
>just that I'm quite sure this is the case.)

Who would waste their time arguing against such a reasonable guess? After all, Horn
seems to facilitate dream travel and Neighbors are associated with dream travel. Is
there anything about either Horn or Silk which would bestow this ability? Is there 
anything in the text which shows there is not a Neighbor component to SilkHorn? 
(I use the word "component", though I think James would prefer another, for religious
Heck, if you argue against that idea, you might as well go all the way and argue that
there is no component of Silk in Horn. That is actually stated in the text many times.

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