(urth) Problematic element in chronology

David Duffy davidD at qimr.edu.au
Tue May 31 17:36:19 PDT 2011

On Tue, 31 May 2011, Gerry Quinn wrote:

> I think there is a fair amount of text suggesting that the journey took in 
> the region of 300 years subjective.  I assume the vase was already old when 
> it was brought aboard.
> Time dilation factor of 2 or 6, I'm not sure it matters all that much.  The 
> energy needed is equal to the Whorl's mass multiplied by the time dilation, 
> and in either case is enormous!

I can't remember what evidence we have that the Whorl travelled at 
relativistic speeds.  If not, then a trip of 50-70 light years [rough 
limit of visibility since we don't know the absolute magnitude of the 
dimmed sun] at 0.1 c...

CHeers, David Duffy.

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