(urth) Ymar

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Fri May 27 08:23:08 PDT 2011

> And which wasn't at all needed. That's why I find it strange that GW would do violence to his chronology.

Well, lots of people have thought, for reasons quite independent of
Ymar, that something has changed at some point between _New Sun_ (the
original quartet) and _Short Sun_ - and of course there was never a
detailed chronology; it may not be so much a matter of positively
changing as of making definite things that were previously indefinite.

>I like Sergei's idea that Ymar may have been autarch centuries after he was born. Or Ymar the first autarch may not have been Ymar the Almost Just, why should the latter need such a qualifier?

I think they are the same, because Severian says to Reechy/Ymar 'rule
justly, or at least as justly as ciicumstances permit'.

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