(urth) do the Hierogrammates *care* about the megatherians?

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Mon May 23 15:17:08 PDT 2011

James Wynn wrote:
>> James Wynn wrote:
>>> Why do you not say that this is the story of Mowgli with a few
>>> details of Romulus thrown in? The name "Mowgli" actually _means_
>>> 'frog', and there are at least as many parallels as with Romulus.
>> António Pedro Marques: So tell us about them. Erase the names and
>> colours, and enumerate the similarities that are left. How Frog's deeds
>> parallel those of Mowgli.
> Erase the names and colors?


> Shall I also leave out the names of Juno, Rhea Silvia, and Mars?


> And all the "color" that is similar to the life of Romulus?

What would that be?

> Get real.

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