(urth) the prime calcula/his citadel and other quotes

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Tue Jan 18 14:11:08 PST 2011

From: "Lee Berman" <severiansola at hotmail.com>
>Roy C. Lackey:
> >[--]

> James' negative evidence concern applies here. Some find do find evidence 
> in the text of a Silk/Typhon
> resemblance. We cannot demand of an author like Wolfe that he puts 
> evidence in all the spots WE think
> it should go, then cite the absence as proof of the contrary. Even Roy 
> agrees that both Silk and Typhon
> have blond hair, allowing the possibility of a connection. The probability 
> of a connection is a
> conclusion for which each person must weigh the sum total of evidence and 
> decide on for themselves.

Both Silk and Typhon also have two legs, ALSO allowing for the possibility 
of a connection.  With multiple clues like this, their identity is surely 
alnost proven!

But wait.... how do we know that Silk doesn't dye his hair?

- Gerry Quinn

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