(urth) interview questions

Tony Ellis tonyellis69 at btopenworld.com
Tue Jan 4 11:28:03 PST 2011

Lee Berman
>>Tony Ellis- No, I was in the camp that pointed out that none of the other theories were
>>very good.
> LMAO! Funny. So this is a roundabout way of saying....what? People who thought there was
> human replacement were not good Wolfe readers? Wolfe is not a good Wolfe reader? Wolfe
> lied or was confused in his interview?

I honestly don't understand what you're saying here or why you're
saying it. I think we have crossed wire.

All I am saying is: 'with reference to theories in which Dr Marsch is
not replaced by an abo, I was on the side that said those theories
weren't very good.'

> Tony, you have a long history of refusing to pin yourself down to anything and subject
> yourself to criticism.

No, I don't.

> Which of the two Shadow Children theories is much stronger and why?

I think it more likely that the Shadow Children are indigenous aliens,
and not human. If they're human, you have to explain their telepathy;
you have to explain the Old Wise One's remark that "before men came
out of the sky... we were mostly long, and lived in holes between the
roots of trees". You have to explain why we should believe his claim
that his people are the real humans, when he claims in the same breath
to be tall and strong and other patently crackheaded things, and you
have to explain why we should instead disregard his later reversal of
that claim.

And while there are explanations for all those things, I don't think
I've come across any that were particularly persuasive.

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