(urth) Green is Urth Redux

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 10 19:00:52 PST 2011

I keep thinking about the Urth is Green theory. Was that the direct Wolfe quote, "No, no, Green is Urth"?                                  
I still kinda like Duko Rigoglio's words and Valeria's Tower as suggesting that Nessus extends beyond
the boundaries of Urth. Maybe to Green. But since I heard the WOlfe quote, I know Marc needs more than that.
Lately David's Shadow Children as faerie (=primeval beings) theory has me thinking about the dark side of 
Creation a lot. There is something about the concept of Blue and Green that invokes Creation. Perhaps it is
the juxtapostion of science and religion. Science holds that creation of life occured in water while 
(judeo-christian) religion says it was in a jungle....I dunno.
Anyway, I'm wondering if the message to Marc about Green being Urth was meant as a metaphor. Later Wolfe 
couldn't go back and explain because he felt he'd already said too much. COuld it be that Wolfe was suggesting 
that Green is more analagous to Urth because it is the planet in need of a Flood? Blue has already had one. 
Horn gives Green a minor flood wielding a sword and a light, maybe to give us a hint as to what is needed there. 
(as Severian gives Thrax prison a minor flood foreshadowing Ushas and as earth's Hercules' Augean Stables foreshadows..welll..anyway).
The wording of James Jordan's question was:
>JJ: Aww, why not? I might as well at least ask one of the $64,000 questions, so I'll just go for broke. 
>(Hmm. I've gotta be very precise here. Okay, here goes:) Which of the following, if any, are physically 
>(not in some merely literary or symbolic sense) the same planets as Blue and Green, in the same order?:
>Ushas and Lune
>Urth and Lune
>Lune and Ushas
>Lune and Urth
>Two Urths
>Two Ushases
>Two Lunes
>GW: None. 
To get a positive answer, perhaps JJ needed to offer "Ushas and Urth" as a choice and allow for a literary or 
symbolic connection. 		 	   		  

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