(urth) First Exodus theory revised

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Thu Feb 10 09:06:10 PST 2011

Okay, some reasons for choosing Silk there, but even better reasons for *not* choosing him!  If he is Typhon's biologial heir, and a great guy in every way, why spoil it by taking over his mind?  

We also have the issue that Kypris's instincts regarding Silk seem other than parental.  Now we can allow the Gods a certain license in such matters if we have to, but all the same it is an argument against the theory.

- Gerry Quinn

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ashley Crill 
  To: urth at lists.urth.net 
  Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 5:39 AM
  Subject: Re: (urth) First Exodus theory revised

  Why not another Piaton, if that's what he plans to do?
  There is no reason to believe the children of Typhon were conceived of Piaton's body, since we don't have a good concept of how long after his ascension such a procedure became necessary, only that it predated the launch of the whorl.  I can't imagine a megalomaniac not switching the testes as well if conception was not done prior to his little body theft.n)

  I think that Silk is the child of Piaton because he is intended to be a new host for Typhon. Throughout the book people remark on Silk's strength, and he seems to have remarkable recuperative powers. Exactly the healthy sort of body that would make a good host.

  On the other hand, Silk is very intelligent and charismatic, qualities that Typhon possessed but that Piaton probably did not possess. He was chosen for his strength, not his intellect.

  If the Silk embryo was created from two-headed Typhon then he might possess Piaton's strength and Typhon's charisma. 

  Silk also has a remarkable capacity for love, which would be expected if Kypris is his genetic mother. Kypris also has a lot of self-love, though, which Silk seems to be lacking. His selflessness could be due more to his upbringing than to his nature I suppose.

  If Kypris is Silk's mother, this is another reason for keeping his identity hidden apart from the Ayuntamiento. If Echidna knew that Kypris had children on board the Whorl she would surely try to destroy them. Perhaps this is what underlies the wanton destruction of embryos that Silk notices in the tunnels.
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