(urth) First Exodus theory revised

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 9 21:45:55 PST 2011

--- On Wed, 2/9/11, Ashley Crill <ash_crill at hotmail.com> wrote:

I think that Silk is the child of Piaton because he is intended to be a new host for Typhon. Throughout the book people remark on Silk's strength, and he seems to have remarkable recuperative powers. Exactly the healthy sort of body that would make a good host.

On the other hand, Silk is very intelligent and charismatic, qualities that Typhon possessed but that Piaton probably did not possess. He was chosen for his strength, not his intellect.
This is the thing, Silk is strong, but he has the physique of a runner and is nowhere near as strong as Auk or even comparable really to Chenille (see Horn's description atop the airship towards the end of Exodus)  Piaton is a big strong guy, Silk is a lean one with decent strength.  
And I don't think Pas plans to possess Silk. It says over and over he wanted an heir to SUCCEED him (at least three times).  His love has grown, and his love is the kind that sets free.
I don't think you can make anything of the genetic personality of Silk, Wolfe is hinting, I think, that no matter how evil our conception, a truly good individual is possible through free will, so in my mind Silk's particular nature has nothing to do with Pas except his leadership skills and the attraction people have for him and his precognitive jumps, and everything to do with the loving care of his mother, not his genetic one.

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