(urth) First Exodus theory revised
James Wynn
crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 19:28:30 PST 2011
There's a lot to like about this. My biggest problem has to do with the
expedition being captured and enslaved by the inhumi. Without a thriving
Neighbor colony on Green, there would not be a thriving sentient inhumi
civilization there. What made the inhumi on Green so virulent was the
nature of the first colonists from the Whorl who went there: Auk's
thieves and cut-throats. Then again, there must have been some inhumi
because the Neighbors needed them. So, hmm. Maybe.
The other thing is that I believe Quetzal's soul was gained from Tussah.
I don't think I can prove this. It's just a sense I have.
On 2/9/2011 6:54 PM, Ashley Crill wrote:
> I'll try to write out my thoughts more coherently.
> The plot starts during Tussah's reign as calde. He experiences a
> theophany and/or enlightenment from Pas, filling him in on the details
> of The Plan and ecnouraging him to carry it out. Pas also informs him
> about the existence of certain special embryos that Pas intends to use
> for The Plan. Tussah works from this point onward to carry out The
> Plan, and has allies among The Chapter, including a younger, human
> version of Patera Quetzal who may have been coadjutor at this time.
> At the urging of Pas, Tussah sends out a scouting party (including
> Quetzal) who's secret mission is to repair a lander using a large sum
> of cards. Their leaked, public mission is to attain an embryo so that
> Tussah can have an heir.
> The scouting party repair a lander and launch, landing on Green where
> they are killed/enslaved by inhumi instigated by the Neighbors. A
> chosen inhumi feeds on Quetzal's blood and becomes the new Patera
> Quetzal. He boards the lander and is returned to The Whorl as the only
> survivor of the original scouting party. i'm not sure what tale he
> tells to Tussah on his return, but we know he is skilled in deception.
> On his return, Inhumi-Quetzal brings embryos from the chambers located
> near the lander, including the specially requested embryo created from
> Typhon's sperm and one of Kypris's eggs.
> Nobody is aware that Queztal is actually an inhumi. He is a very
> careful man, after all.
> In the meantime, Echidna and her brood revolt and murder Pas because
> they are alarmed by the launch of a lander. They are trying to prevent
> the Plan while Tussah and Quetzal are trying to carry it out. Before
> he dies, Pas informs Tussah about the fragments of Himself that he has
> hidden, and about his plan for resurrection in thirty years.
> Tussah takes the special embryo and implants it in his trused friend
> (Silk's mother) so that the embryo's adulthood will coincide with
> Pas's resurrection. This is when he writes his mysterious will,
> stating that the son not of his body will become the next Calde. The
> Calde also has an affair with his servant who marries the gardener and
> gives birth to a girl (Chenille).
> When Tussah dies, his mistress goes into hiding as a beggar woman. The
> Ayuntamiento takes over in the power vacuum and searches everywhere
> for the embryo-child but cannot find him. Patera Quetzal becomes
> Prolocutor and tries to prevent theophanies because he is worried that
> Echidna will discover their collusion with Pas and seek to punish
> Viron. Fear of punishment is also why he de-emphasizes the worship of Pas.
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