(urth) First Exodus theory revised

Stuart Hamm hammstu at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 9 19:14:35 PST 2011




--- On Wed, 2/9/11, Ashley Crill <ash_crill at hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Ashley Crill <ash_crill at hotmail.com>
Subject: (urth) First Exodus theory revised
To: urth at lists.urth.net
Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2011, 4:54 PM

I'll try to write out my thoughts more coherently.
The plot starts during Tussah's reign as calde. He experiences a theophany and/or enlightenment from Pas, filling him in on the details of The Plan and ecnouraging him to carry it out. Pas also informs him about the existence of certain special embryos that Pas intends to use for The Plan. Tussah works from this point onward to carry out The Plan, and has allies among The Chapter, including a younger, human version of Patera Quetzal who may have been coadjutor at this time.
At the urging of Pas, Tussah sends out a scouting party (including Quetzal) who's secret mission is to repair a lander using a large sum of cards. Their leaked, public mission is to attain an embryo so that Tussah can have an heir.  
The scouting party repair a lander and launch, landing on Green where they are killed/enslaved by inhumi instigated by the Neighbors. A chosen inhumi feeds on Quetzal's blood and becomes the new Patera Quetzal. He boards the lander and is returned to The Whorl as the only survivor of the original scouting party. i'm not sure what tale he tells to Tussah on his return, but we know he is skilled in deception. On his return, Inhumi-Quetzal brings embryos from the chambers located near the lander, including the specially requested embryo created from Typhon's sperm and one of Kypris's eggs. 
Nobody is aware that Queztal is actually an inhumi. He is a very careful man, after all.
In the meantime, Echidna and her brood revolt and murder Pas because they are alarmed by the launch of a lander. They are trying to prevent the Plan while Tussah and Quetzal are trying to carry it out. Before he dies, Pas informs Tussah about the fragments of Himself that he has hidden, and about his plan for resurrection in thirty years. 
Tussah takes the special embryo and implants it in his trused friend (Silk's mother) so that the embryo's adulthood will coincide with Pas's resurrection. This is when he writes his mysterious will, stating that the son not of his body will become the next Calde. The Calde also has an affair with his servant who marries the gardener and gives birth to a girl (Chenille). 
When Tussah dies, his mistress goes into hiding as a beggar woman. The Ayuntamiento takes over in the power vacuum and searches everywhere for the embryo-child but cannot find him. Patera Quetzal becomes Prolocutor and tries to prevent theophanies because he is worried that Echidna will discover their collusion with Pas and seek to punish Viron. Fear of punishment is also why he de-emphasizes the worship of Pas. 		 	   		  

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