(urth) Neighbours in the Whorl

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 07:44:05 PST 2011

>> Such people are accustomed to knowing things they do
>> not share with the sheep, but once the Neighbors made themselves
>> generally known in the towns there would be no going back.
> Andrew-
> One of the aims of the Neighbours was to observe humanoid inhumi, so
> you would expect them to be where the inhumi were; there ought to be
> at least one of them in Viron to keep watch on Quetzal.
> It seems likely to me that the Neigbours in the Whorl are disguised as
> humans (or indeed fused with humans, in a way akin to possession). If
> they can transport someone else's spirit into a new body, it's not
> improbable that they can also transport their own spirits into new
> bodies.

Well, the fact that they knew Silk's body was soon to be available 
suggests they are there observing things. You make a good point though 
that the Neighbors can very well be active on the Whorl without ships or 
cracking the airlock.


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