(urth) Gummed-Up Works or Got Lives?

Gerry Quinn gerry at bindweed.com
Fri Dec 16 12:31:45 PST 2011

From: David Stockhoff 

> Actually 'illiterate know-nothing' was a clinical assessment. ;)

> But if you look closely, I was pointing out that Gerry uses his own 
> illiteracy as evidence for his arguments. He really does. This 
> observation is substantively different from an /ad hominem/ approach 
> that would rightly be considered to degrade discussion.
You’ve accused me of illiteracy twice recently, if I recall correct.  On both occasions, you were attempting to make far-fetched correspondences between fairy lore and elements of the Solar Cycle (which in fact uses fairy lore less than most Wolfe).  When I refused to discuss the Neighbours as if they were literally fairies (because they are different from them in numerous ways), you accused me of illiteracy.  And today, you claimed that the House Absolute is a fairy palace, and accused me of illiteracy when I demurred.

On neither occasion were you able to elaborate your contentions into anything meaningful.  Hence, I suppose, the descent into insults.

- Gerry Quinn
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