(urth) Pike's ghost

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 1 11:25:02 PST 2011

Gerry Quinn: 
> >I think everyone on the list can clearly see how nonsensical that claim is..  
>Those inclined to be interested in your other theories must surely have taken note... 
>Others will require evidence rather than bald assertion... 
>I am sure we would all be very interested in such a demonstration. 
Gerry, Gerry, my Gerry. Over and over you make reference to other people on this list. 
As though I care one whit about them! I have only one audience member I really care about.
He is quite devoted and tireless in his attention to me and I reciprocate by giving him
what he wants. My passion and longing...ahem, well. Anyway.. Gerry would you consider 
having a beer one night? Maybe some billiards or darts? We could discuss Wolfe.. 		 	   		  

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