(urth) Introduction and Breath

Adam Thornton adam at io.com
Sun Apr 17 20:36:16 PDT 2011

On 04/17/2011 06:09 PM, António Marques wrote:
> Gerry Quinn wrote:
>> For me, the term 'unreliable narator' implies that the author is telling
>> us another, different story disguised behind the overt story the
>> narrator is telling is; either the narrator is lying or he doesn't
>> understand what's going on.
> I think you're doing overanalysis. 'Unreliable narrator' simply means 
> that the narrative isn't the absolute complete truth of what happened. 
> Which, actually, applies to any narrative. What Gene Wolfe does - as 
> other did and do - is to craft that part of his work, instead of 
> leaving it to be a subproduct.

If nothing else, there's the whole Severian-Thecla "My love for her was 
pure and chaste," when it's Severian, and "And then he was 
all-a-grabbin' my breasts," when it's Thecla doing the remembering.


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