(urth) Names on the Whorl

Mr Thalassocrat thalassocrat08 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 08:51:20 PDT 2010

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 1:09 AM, Dave Tallman <davetallman at msn.com> wrote:

> Blood is not a good example. We happen to know the exact circumstances of his naming, and Maytera Rose broke the regular convention by calling him "Bloody" after her difficult (perhaps C-section) childbirth. Since that was an adjective and not a noun it was soon converted to Blood by everyone except Rose herself.
> It looks like the mother has the most say about the name. Another example is Nettle, named so by her mother out of dislike for her child.
> _______________________________________________
Did she actually call him "Bloody"? I thought that was just her pet name for

On a tangent, I wonder why Viron has this naming system, while all the other
towns don't?
Modulo the issue of what's being translated as against reported, the other
towns have naming conventions which look like they come from Urth.
(Including white-bread Anglo names, in the case of two of the mercenaries in
Are we to assume that Urth had a region with the Vironese conventions? Is
there anywhere like that in the real world?
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